Toning hydrogel patches with cocoa are effective in combating swelling and puffiness. They help reduce the severity of dark circles and refresh the look. They are especially recommended for use in the morning.
The patches are richly saturated with active essence and fit tightly to the skin. They perfectly moisturize, have an antioxidant effect and preserve the youth of the skin.
Local patches can be used not only under the eyes, but also in the area between the eyebrows, on the nasolabial folds and neck.
Suitable for all skin types.
Package 60 pcs (30 pairs)
The patches are richly saturated with active essence and fit tightly to the skin. They perfectly moisturize, have an antioxidant effect and preserve the youth of the skin.
Local patches can be used not only under the eyes, but also in the area between the eyebrows, on the nasolabial folds and neck.
Suitable for all skin types.
Package 60 pcs (30 pairs)
Water, Butylene Glyool Glyoerin Propanediol, 12-Heanediol, Camella Sinensls Leat Edact, Centela Asiatica Btract, Sodum Hyaluronate, Sodium Hyaluronato Crosspolymer, Hydrolyaed Hyaluronic Acid, Hyaluronlc Acid, Hydrolyaed Sodium Hyaluronete, Hydrolyaed Sodium Hyaluronete, Hydrolyabutene College, Hydrogenaed Sodium Hyaluronete, Hydrolyabutene College, Hydrolyabutene College, Hydrolyphoedene, Aold Hydrolyaed Keratin, Edract, Royal Jely Etraca, Cladosiphon Olamuranus Edract, Ginkgo Bloba Leof Edract, Artemiola Princepe Bdract, Chamomilla Reaulta (Matricaria) Edract, Carthamus Tinctorius (Safower) Rlower Edract, Rooa Rugooa Fower Edrect, Patoleonle Albiora Rower, Earyhydroact, Anygu Pentylene Gyool, Carbomer Xanthan Gum, Argnine, Dipotassum Gyoymtinate, Dieodum EDTA, PEG-80 Hydrogenated Castor O, Hydoyacetophenone, Ehyheolyoern Fagance